About me
I currently work at Chugach Electric Association, the largest electric utility in Alaska serving the Anchorage area. I create economic and financial models of renewable energy projects and for variable O&M of power pooling activities with neighboring utilities. I also use mixed integer programming (MIP) software called EnCompass for economic modeling of renewable generation proposals to the integrated resource plan (IRP). I also support fuel supply and the regulatory department with various economic modeling for the utility’s working interest of gas production in the Beluga River Unit used to power thermal generation.
I was an applied economist at the University of Nevada in Reno (UNR) focusing on research involving empirical applied economics, public economics, and regional economics. My job market paper examines the effect of imposing sales taxes on e-commerce and estimates elasticities for online purchases. I was a graduate research assistant at UNR for Prof. Tom Harris. Much of this work has been done for UNR’s Extension office, where research focuses on Nevada-specific economic issues. I was also a teaching assistant for large lecture hall classes for Prof. Todd Sorensen’s introductory microeconomics course and smaller classes of about 60 students as in Prof. Kym Pram’s intermediate microeconomics courses. Additionally, I taught international business, introductory microeconomics, and several different finance courses at Benedictine University. I also have work experience as a financial controller for the retail brokerage Financial West Group (FWG) where I helped facilitate and execute the asset purchase agreement of FWG to Western International Securities.